I was sick for an entire week with a really bad cold, not Covid, thank goodness. All I did was go round trip for a business meeting. That’s not the funny part, which is to say that I spent the 1st leg of the trip sitting next to an IT professional from the airline, the 2nd next to an architectural executive whose company was hacked, and the 3rd leg next to a working criminologist who is transferring over to digital forensics. Even they can’t convince their relatives and friends to be more vigilant.
You can’t make this stuff up. Thankfully, there are many people behind the scenes keeping us safe, which is a great thing, because the thieves are multiplying like mosquitoes.
Nothing is safe anymore. Case in point – they are even hacking into greeting card companies.
Anything with a legitimate name, personal information, no matter the source, is up for grabs.
We assume this is a new phenomenon, or at least recent, because it’s been all over the news lately. But hacking has been around for decades. So, in actuality, we have actually been kept safe from these incidents. But I have to admit to being somewhat surprised at the intensity and breadth of the phenomenon, at least in the beginning of my research. Not anymore.
I breathed a small sigh of relief knowing that there are people out there watching out for us. Hopefully, more people will enter the field – it even pays well! Many former hackers have actually landed on the “other side of the desk.” That doesn’t mean we let our guard down – far from it
Be extra diligent. The hackers count on us to become lazy, especially between holidays, because they think we don’t take cybercrime seriously enough, and some of us do. Remember, even though there are people watching our back, it’s up to us to watch our front line. The best defense is a good offense.
Batten down the hatches, and be safe!
Deborah E. Joyce
Author of “Identity Theft: A Victim’s Search For Justice”
follow my blog@deborahejoyce.com
KBMedical says:
Apree! Thanks.
kb says:
Did you see this sad article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/bronx-mother-daughter-duo-dupes-211000880.html