I am so happy to report that my good friends just became the proud grandparents of a baby boy on February 1! Good thing, as mama was ready to burst. Oddly, she didn’t complain about giving birth early – Gee, I wonder why?
I don’t know the name of the baby, because dad was so happy he was crying. When my friend asked her son-in-law the baby’s name, he couldn’t speak. She told me he just kept blubbering “I don’t care” whatever”!”
It’s wonderful to see a baby that’s lucky enough to be born into a loving family able to support him both financially as well as emotionally as he grows. My heart goes out to the many people and children who are not as fortunate. Each new life brought into this world deserves the best. Every parent, no matter where they live, wants the best for their child.
While I know that this child will grow up with the best education, the best nutrition (my friend used to be a chef), and a secure environment in which to grow up, I can’t help thinking about the many children who are not so fortunate.
Each living being on this planet is precious. No matter what country we live in, background, race, religion, creed, every one of us is just a segment of humanity. Every living being, whether animal, tree, or fish, is part of the whole that nourishes us.
We all feel the same emotions, and we all have a heart. My hope is that this new generation will be able to live in light, love, and peace. That would be a great lesson for us all.
U.S.A. For Africa – We Are the World – YouTube
These words are still true.