Hello Everyone,
I received an interesting phone call this morning. A representative from the Council On Aging responded to my email regarding the Guardianship Accountability Act.
She was quiet while listening to my story . I explained that, as a victim, I couldn’t do anything as the DA refused to treat my case as criminal. I also told her that I have a civil judgement that does no good, as I can’t get anyone to serve the Judgement on the thief.
She said she has heard my story from a long list of victims. She wished there was something she could do. I thanked her for the Council’s efforts in adding another Federal law, but if the local DA wouldn’t prosecute, they are wasting their time.
She related this wasn’t the first time she heard complaints about local District Attorneys. Was there a way they could work on legislation requiring a DA to comply with Federal regulations on a State level?
Otherwise, what’s the point?
I felt bad for her. She sounded tired, frustrated, at a loss. Feel free to email the Council. Someone needs to take responsibility for the thousands of us floundering in a broken system.
Be Safe,