This is something you didn’t think of – the effect of identity theft on seniors, and their ability to afford rent. I had another sleepless night, because it dawned on me that I’m smack dab in the middle of the baby boomer generation. ”My” generation has already started to affect the housing market – and no one prepared for it. As a matter of fact, I bet some people became rich following the baby boomers from birth. You start investing in diapers, and end up investing in rental housing. Follow the trends, that’s what they say. It’s true.
Lucky in one way – I can move anywhere in the United States I want. The problem is, I realize you have to live in the city. Close to shopping, transportation, medical services. Outlying areas do not provide the transportation necessary for seniors who don’t/can’t drive. City living is more expensive. It’s insane out there.
I did manage to find one apartment, but was rejected after the background check showed the bank listing me as a bad credit risk. Well, the bank made a boo-boo because it never reported that I had paid off a loan three years ago. It still showed the loan outstanding. After I finally straightened out the bank, and my credit history, I was knocked off the list. Now I have to start again, and the list is 15 years long.
Many of you are not in this predicament so you’re not facing this problem. But let me tell you something, it IS your problem.
People like me who saved their money, became victimized by identity theft, are now broke. Affordable housing is the only option someone like me has. Not all seniors can move in with their family. These days, families struggling to get by, living in a small apartment themselves, can’t take in relatives like they used to. Seniors are on their own. That’s just the way it is.
Affordable housing is through the state, once a person qualifies. The state providing the service raises taxes for all state residents to cover the subsidy. So those thieves out there stealing our money end up paying through higher taxes.
Like everything else, the need for affordable housing was put on the back burner. Well, the flame is up and the pot is bubbling over.
The average size apartment afforded to low income seniors is roughly 400 sq. ft. If you have adaptive equipment such as a walker, a guide dog if your visually impaired, etc. you need a little bit more room than that. Most bathroom entryways aren’t wide enough to allow a walker into the room. The next time someone complains about baby boomers and their drain on society, think twice. This is affecting grandparents and parents, families, our entire economy. Identity theft victims never wanted to be a drain on the system. Stop pointing the finger at us. Start pointing the finger at the thieves running around dressed in Bergdorf Goodman.
Tell them to bring all that stolen merchandise back to the store and get a refund. We (Identity Theft Victims) need our money back.
Happy holidays. Deborah
Alix Erenberg says:
Just read your blog and webpages, interesting and pertinent information.
Nice job!