Hello  Everyone,

It’s National Consumer  Protection Week, and the FTC is holding a seminar this Wednesday.
I hope you will take advantage of these great resources.

Its up to us,

Deborah E  Joyce
Author of Identity Theft: A Victim’s Search For Justice

The FCC will host a webinar in recognition of National Consumer Protection Week on Wednesday, March 5 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET.  March 2 – 8, 2025 is National Consumer Protection Week, also known as NCPW.  Each year during NCPW, government and nonprofit partners highlight information and resources that empower consumers to avoid scams and decrease their chances of becoming victims of fraud.
During the webinar, the FCC’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau will be highlighting unwanted call protection resources and information about common phone-based scams.
Please register for the webinar using the link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
During the webinar, attendees will be provided with information about:
1.            Stopping or reducing illegal calls and texts
2.            Spoofing
3.            The FCC’s top phone scams of 2024
4.            The FCC’s Consumer Help Center, which features a Scam glossary
5.            The FCC’s  Consumer Complaint process
The presentation slide deck will be shared after the webinar.

Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Requesters of such accommodations may contact the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at fcc504@fcc.gov , or (202) 418-0530. Such requests should include a detailed description of the accommodation needed and how the requester can be contacted. Requests should be made as early as possible.
Throughout the week, the FCC will also post resources daily on its Consumer Help Center: fcc.gov/consumers. The list of topics that will be covered include:
6.            Monday, March 3: Unwanted Calls and Texts
7.            Tuesday, March 4: Insurance & Healthcare Scam
8.            Wednesday, March 5: Grandparent Scam
9.            Thursday, March 6: Port Out Fraud
10.         Friday, March 7: How to File a Complaint
Questions about the webinar or to schedule a meeting to discuss how to collaborate with the FCC on providing information to your community can be emailed to outreach@fcc.gov.   Individuals who use videophones and are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) may call the FCC’s ASL Consumer Support Line at (844) 432-2275 (videophone).

Debora Joyce


Oh hi there 👋, Deborah here...
It’s nice to meet you.

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