Cable finally installed cable, net, phone. Then the work began. Calling agencies for service, i.e., guiding eyes for the blind, etc., scheduling appointments.

Unpacking, patting around the closets trying to orient myself to spaces in this apartment.

I make a mental map of what I put, and where, so I may find them again.

It’s a surprise to find I can get groceries delivered for a nominal fee. It used to cost $30 to pay a friend to bring me to the store.

I found new people with whom to connect. Virtual conferences, Zoom meetings, even the NFB convention, which I never attended before. One kind woman from my local support group paid for the one-year membership for me.

I also found that NFB offers a free white cane to the blind, on a yearly basis. My cane is 10 years old…

Support groups are a blessing. Experienced people out there are eager to share info. We have all been beginners at one point or another.

To those of you who offered a helping hand to the new kid on the block, thank you very much. I look forward to returning the favor when we get past social distancing…

I am also thankful to 2 wonderful supporters, Alix and Kevin, of my new enterprise: I wrote a book!!!
I never thought I would do such a thing.

But it was so important to me to try, alerting people to identity theft and the disastrous results it has on one’s life…

Look for it on Amazon, “Identity Theft:  A Victim’s Search for Justice, by Deborah E. Joyce.

I hope my effort keeps everyone’s identity, and bank account, safe. Don’t let it happen to you or your loved ones.

Thanks for listening.
Be safe,

Oh hi there 👋, Deborah here...
It’s nice to meet you.

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