Hello Everyone!

I came through my first ever live interview on Lois T. Martin’s show, “I’ve Got Your Number” on Wednesday, January 2, 2019. I was nervous, but Lois and her cohost JoAnna Garfi  McNally brilliantly guided me through the interview.

Not only was it an amazing success, we even had enough time at the end of the show to answer a few questions. I am grateful, in that Lois and JoAnna gave me the time to talk about this very important topic, identity theft, on their amazing show

Due to the success of my segment, at some point in the near future, Lois has decided to use each Wednesday nights show as a platform to disseminate information on various hot topics to her listening audience. Upcoming shows will include, but not be limited to such topics as autism, healthcare and

money management.  Lois and JoAnna both felt there is a lack of information on many topics that are not generally discussed.  Each week, the guest host will answer questions from the audience as well.

I  would like to mention that the Monday shows are geared for all to join in to ask their questions to the utmost professional and intuitive empaths one would want to listen to.  

My heartfelt thanks to Lois and JoAnna for helping me to spread the word about identity theft. I know that upcoming speakers will enjoy the same success as I had, under the guidance and support of these two wonderful women who only want the best for everyone.

“Thank you” Lois for this amazing opportunity. I know that because of your show my mission of moving identity theft from civil to criminal court will succeed. I leave you with the last two words that Lois said to me: “have faith”

Happy  New  Year,


Listen  to  “I’ve  Got  Your  Number”  with  Lois  T.  Martin  and  JoAnna  Garfi  McNally  every  Monday  and  Wednesday, on  Blog  Talk  Radio (646)  716- 6237, 7pm  EST.  Also  online  at  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/loistmartin 

Note:  Each  show  is  archived.  If  you  miss  a  show, or  wish  to  listen  to  past  shows, go  to  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/loistmartin and there is a listing of previous episodes on the  page.  Enjoy!

Hello and thank you for the nice compliment.

I’m so excited and wish to share. My good friend,
Lois T.  Martin, has a  great show on blogtalkradio..com.  Check her out on www.blogtalkradio.com/loistmartin.
She has invited me to be on her show this January, 2, 2019 to talk about protecting yourself from identity theft.

Lois is a  numerologist and healer. She has many wonderful guests on her show, from astrologers to life coaches. You can go to the blog talk site and look at the archives on her show.

Lois is a  no nonsense, down to earth  person, who brings people together from all over the world. But she won’t hold your hand, instead  reminding people that they must do the work themselves. Lois and her co host with the mostest, JoAnna Garfi -McNally,  let people know that they are there to support you, but you have to do the work. No hand holding here.

When I  listen to questions, I  realize that I  am not the only one going through a  particular situation. Sometimes, you think  you’re the only person  having an issue. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who’s affected by a  situation.

I  am blessed to call these wonderful people my friends. They definitely don’t let me get away with anything, and let me know when I  don’t hold  up my end of the bargain.

Along with regular  listeners, we have formed a  strong group of like minded people who only want to be there for each other, from giving a  cheer when things are great, and support when things aren’t going the way we wish them to.

What a  wonderful group, and a  great  honor  to be able to bring identity theft to the forefront. Thank you Lois and JoAnna, for the wonderful work you do. I  am honored to be a  part of the solution. I  look forward to giving some positive information on the upcoming show, so that people can be empowered. I  hope to see readers of this blog there.

How it works:

  1. Call  1 (646) 716-6237 about  15  min before the show, which airs  at 
    7:00 pm  on Jan 2,  2019. 
  2. As soon as you hear “blog talk radio, your show is scheduled to start in…press  the number  “1” –  this puts you in the queue so you can ask a  question.
  3. You can listen  while you’re waiting. You’re on mute until they reach your  place on line.

Lois and JoAnna  air every  Mon/Wed  at  7:00 pm. I  hope  to  hear you there.

It’s  a  great  show, join us!

Have  a  wonderful  day,




This is something you didn’t think of – the effect of identity theft on seniors, and their ability to afford rent. I had another sleepless night, because it dawned on me that I’m smack dab in the middle of the baby boomer generation. ”My” generation has already started to affect the housing market – and no one prepared for it.  As a matter of fact, I bet some people became rich following the baby boomers from birth. You start investing in diapers, and end up investing in rental housing. Follow the trends, that’s what they say. It’s true.

Lucky in one way – I can move anywhere in the United States I want. The problem is, I realize you have to live in the city.  Close to shopping, transportation, medical services. Outlying areas do not provide the transportation necessary for seniors who don’t/can’t drive. City  living is more expensive. It’s insane out there.

I did manage to find one apartment, but was rejected after the background check showed the bank listing me as a bad credit risk. Well, the bank made a boo-boo because it never reported that I had paid off a loan three years ago. It still showed the loan outstanding.  After I finally straightened out the bank, and my credit history, I was knocked off the list. Now I have to start again, and the list is 15 years long.

Many of you are not in this predicament so you’re not facing this problem.  But let me tell you something, it IS your problem.

People like me who saved their money, became victimized by identity theft, are now broke. Affordable housing is the only option someone like me has.  Not all seniors can move in with their family. These days, families struggling to get by, living in a small apartment themselves, can’t take in relatives like they used to. Seniors are on their own. That’s just the way it is.

Affordable housing is through the state, once a person qualifies. The state providing the service raises taxes for all state residents to cover the subsidy. So those thieves out there stealing our money end up paying through higher taxes.

Like everything else, the need for affordable housing was put on the back burner. Well, the flame is up and the pot is bubbling over.

The average size apartment afforded to low income seniors is roughly 400 sq. ft.   If you have adaptive equipment such as a walker, a guide dog if your visually impaired, etc. you need a little bit more room than that. Most bathroom entryways aren’t wide enough to allow a walker into the room. The next time someone complains about baby boomers and their drain on society, think twice. This is affecting grandparents and parents, families, our entire economy.  Identity theft victims never wanted to be a drain on the system.  Stop pointing the finger at us.  Start pointing the finger at the thieves running around dressed in Bergdorf Goodman.

Tell them to bring all that stolen merchandise back to the store and get a refund. We (Identity Theft Victims) need our money back.

Happy holidays. Deborah


Hello  Everyone,

I  received  an interesting phone call this morning.  A  representative  from the Council On Aging  responded  to my email regarding  the  Guardianship  Accountability  Act.

She was quiet  while listening to my story . I  explained that, as a  victim, I  couldn’t do anything as the DA refused to treat my case as criminal.  I  also told her that I  have a  civil judgement that does no good, as I  can’t get anyone to serve the Judgement on the thief.

She said she has heard my story from a  long list of victims. She wished there was something she could do. I  thanked her for the Council’s efforts in adding another Federal law, but if the local DA  wouldn’t prosecute, they are wasting their time.

She related  this wasn’t the first time she heard complaints about local District Attorneys.  Was there a  way they could work on legislation requiring a  DA to comply with Federal regulations on a  State level?

Otherwise, what’s the point?

I  felt bad for her. She sounded tired, frustrated, at a  loss.  Feel free to email the Council.  Someone needs to take responsibility for the thousands of us floundering in a  broken system.


Be Safe,




Hello  everyone,

Well, I  don’t know if  anyone knows my blog yet, but if you do, “Hi There!” If you think someone may be interested, send them my way…

The holidays are here. We are rushing about, somewhat oblivious  to our surroundings, as we hurl ourselves into the cooking, shopping, decorating mode.

Now is the time to be more diligent than ever. Thieves are out there, waiting to pounce on the harried .

One thing to watch out for…your packages. The UPS  driver is being followed by a  thief, just waiting for the package to be dropped off at your door, in plain view of all.

What to do? Ask UPS  to leave a  delivery notice, and keep the package until you are home to receive it. Or, pick  it up at the post office. I  know it’s inconvenient, but it’s more inconvenient  to try and get your money back…

Feel free to share your insights on this blog. My intention is to bring people together and help each other.

Happy Holidays. With Love and Light,
