Hi everyone.

I just heard that President Biden has committed the US to update our infrastructure to combat climate change.

I hope Congress lets him do it. I want to breathe clean air, and drink water from the tap. Not bottled. Why? We’re our own worst enemy, If you don’t know that fish and turtles are starving because they think plastic is a new food source, you live under a rock. It’s disgusting and very sad.

I also hope that when the President goes before Congress to update our systems, that he doesn’t forget about security!  

Nothing is impervious, at least we can make the hackers work for it… Thoughts?

As always, wash hands, wear your mask. Send virtual hugs!

Deborah E Joyce

You can find my book, “Identity Theft: A Victim’s Search For Justice” on Amazon.

Oh hi there 👋, Deborah here...
It’s nice to meet you.

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